The world of aesthetic medicine is constantly evolving and new products are everywhere, both from the point of view of technology as well as for medical grade skin care. It is sometimes difficult to follow the trends and to know what is truly a significant advance in the field of aesthetic medicine.
The newest trend we are seeing in medical grade skin care are growth factors. We now have vitamin A, glycolic acid, antioxidants and polypeptides in our anti-aging skin care and science is now revealing the benefits of these molecules, which, at first glance, seem significant. The question remains: Is it absolutely necessary to include growth factors in an anti-aging protocol?
First, a few words about the nature of these small wonders of medical skin care science we call growth factors. Growth factors are proteins that are present naturally in healthy skin and work to maintain the skin’s structure to help slow the signs of aging. With the inevitable passing of time, these proteins decrease, which, as one would suspect, brings a lot of changes to the skin including the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, and so on!
However, as very serious medical studies have shown, the application to the skin of concentrated natural growth factors, developed from human fibroblast cultures, helps to rejuvenate the skin significantly, by stimulating fibroblasts present in the deeper layers of the skin. These fibroblasts are highly specialized skin cells that produce collagen and elastin and are responsible to help maintain the integrity of the skin: its elasticity and firmness. An increased intake of collagen and elastin therefore reduces fine lines and wrinkles and gives more tone to the skin.
Research and laboratory tests required for the development of these concentrated growth factors have required many years of study, but now we have access to products of the highest quality, cutting-edge technology, with rejuvenating properties that are proven by serious studies and undeniable clinical outcomes.
To return to the original question: Do growth factors make a difference in anti-aging skin care? We do not hesitate to say yes! Growth factors are now part of our daily skin care protocol and we give them a special place in our approach to the fight against aging to help achieve younger looking skin.
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