Did you know that April is considered Earth Month? Discover our favourites in sustainable beauty...
Did you know that April is considered Earth Month? It’s a month to emphasize sustainability and how we can make the world a better place.
For the occasion, we decided to highlight our top 6 favourite sustainable products. Over the past few years, we’ve definitely noticed a movement in the beauty industry towards sustainable packaging. Many of the brands we carry have created refillable packaging that allows you to reuse and recycle their products. Let’s discover them together!
Etiket's holistic aesthetician shares her favourite tips and products for the upcoming season.
A change of season is upon us, and with that comes the need to adjust our skincare and wellness routine.
We asked Jordanna Kavannat, Etiket’s holistic aesthetician and Tata Harper Spa Specialist, to tell us what this change of season means for her.
“Spring is a beautiful time to awaken your spirit and to make self-care through skincare a more sacred practice. In Chinese medicine, the term ‘shen’ means to glow or light from within. Below are my favourite tips and products to help your ‘shen’ shine brightly this spring!”, says Jordanna.
“I start my day with some kind of physical activity. Sweating and moving my body in the morning helps the flow of our lymphatic system and is a great way to release endorphins (happy vibes).”
“A green smoothie with the Agent Nateur (Holi) Mane collagen is a great way to start the day with good nutrition. I find it helps me make better choices throughout the day.”
“The Lovefresh Vanilla Coffee Bar Soap gets rid of dead skin cells, helping regenerate your skin, and the coffee can help tighten skin and reduce cellulite. It’s like a morning cup of java!”
“I also love using the new Smoothing Body Brush from NUORI before my shower. Daily dry brushing of the body has been proven to boost microcirculation, stimulate the lymphatic system, and improve the removal of toxins”, adds Jordanna.
“As the winter layers gradually come off, I use Agent Nateur’s body (oil) to get ready for the warmer weather. I LOVE the smell of this product; it has caffeine and vitamin c, which gives noticeably great results.”
“For me, it’s always Tata Harper. I modify my skincare regimen depending on the condition of my skin and the temperature outside. The Regenerating Cleanseris great to exfoliate the skin from the cold winter weather; it’s all about regeneration!”
“And finally, with our masks coming off, let’s talk lips! The ILIA Lip Wrap Reviving Balm is a luxurious daytime lip treatment. I’m obsessed!”
”My favourite treatment to detox the body, face and soul at this time of year is the Deluxe Detox Body Treatment & Facial from Tata Harper, it’s a stimulating and purifying treatment that will reawaken your senses.”
2021 was a great year for beauty! Discover the bestselling makeup, skincare and haircare products of the past year!
This past year was a great year for beauty. 2021 saw some exciting new launches from the industry’s leading brands and was a success for many cult-favourites that have been around for years. As we turn over a new leaf, and step into 2022, we wanted to shine a light on the products that made last year special. We broke down the beauty bestsellers into categories, ensuring no product was left behind! Discover our most popular products in skincare, haircare and makeup.
Shop all of our products online at etiket.ca and in-store!
As we enter a new year, we're looking back on the products that stole our hearts in 2020. From hair care essentials, to skincare and fragrance cult-favourites, 2020 was a good year for the beauty industry. Let's discover the products!
As we enter a new year, we’re looking back on the products that stole our hearts in 2020. From hair care essentials, to skincare and fragrance cult-favourites, 2020 was a good year for the beauty industry. The current pandemic has forced many of us to curate our beauty shelves and to embrace a less-is-more approach with quality over quantity. Now, let’s discover the products!
For most of us, spending more time at home meant we had more time to indulge in luxurious self-care nights and lengthy skincare routines. At-home treatment devices and targeted face masks became must-haves, while serums and creams designed to promote the skin’s overall health and wellness were flying off the shelves. The name of the game last year was skin health. Antioxidants, Sunscreen, Hyaluronic Acid we’re all integral components of achieving it.
Some of last year’s favourites are Vintner’s Daughter’s Active Botanical Serum, for example. Formulated with 22 active botanicals, this serum delivers the most optimal concentrations of nourishing Phytonutrients, balancing Minerals, Age-Defying Antioxidants, strengthening Phytoceramides and Amino Acids, replenishing Fatty Acids, and brightening Vitamins to deliver powerful skin nutrition in one step. The ZIIP device was another popular item last year. The at-home treatment uses nanocurrents and microcurrents to encourage cells to create more collagen and elastin.
You may be surprised, but 2020 was an amazing year for fragrances. Perhaps it’s because we could finally test different scents from the comfort of our home before taking them out for a spin, or maybe because spraying a fragrance on in the morning helped us feel more put together. In any case, 2020 was good to fragrances. Some of last year’s bestsellers were new, while others have been around for some time, but had us coming back for more.
Gallivant, for example, came out with a new scent called Bukhara. A woody, floral orris perfume, composed with start perfumer Ralf Schwieger. Musk Deer from Zoologist was another new player on the scene, with notes of synthetic musks, natural oud and florals.
Some established fragrances also made our 2020 best-sellers list, like Misfit from Arquiste and Verticaloud from Hermetica. Misft is an elegant Patchouli fragrance designed to be worn by everyone, whereas Verticaloud is characterized by woody and oriental notes, such as rose oil, saffron and agarwood. Discover the full list of best-selling fragrances for 2020!
This past year was all about great skin, bold eyes and thick brows. In fact, our entire makeup routines became centered around our face masks and zoom meetings. Most of the time, our lips are hidden, so forget lipstick. Our eyes, skin and brows, however, became the main focus. Tools that help you de-puff and attain a natural glow, like Gua Shas and Jade Rollers, we’re also popular.
In the same way the pandemic has forced us to look at how we take care of our skin, it’s also forced us to look at how we treat our hair and scalp. In fact, 2020 shook us up in many ways including how we looked after our hair. Many of us made the decision to go natural, gray made a big comeback as did curls. Many of us also turned to touch-up products to hide the re-growth before our salons re-opened. Hair masks and scalp treatments and dry shampoos also became popular as we discovered that hair care was really all about looking after our hair!
Etiket s’évade à Nantucket le temps des vacances. Anciennement connue pour la chasse à la baleine, cette île située à une trentaine de kilomètres au large du Cape Cod est un endroit parfait pour adopter le slow living. Pour les plus actifs, soyez sans crainte, une journée peut être aussi relaxe ou active que vous le souhaitez: on peut choisir de s’allonger sur la plage, de sauter sur sa planche de surf ou de se promener sans but dans les petites rues immaculées pour admirer l’architecture et les jardins en fleurs à perte de vue. Avec quatre-vingt-trois kilomètres de côtes à parcourir, d’innombrables dunes de plage secrètes à escalader, ses kilomètres de pistes cyclables à parcourir, ses charmantes boutiques, ses micro-brasseries, vignobles, restaurants et food-trucks, il n’y a aucun risque de s’ennuyer.
Indispensables de vacances
Huile démaquillante Light Work Rosier Sauvage PAI SKINCARE
Cette huile démaquillante est non seulement parfaite pour bien départir la peau de toute trace de maquillage, elle est aussi parfaite pour enlever toute trace de crème solaire, même hydrofuge. On l’aime d’abord pour sa texture huileuse à l’application (on en profite pour masser son visage) qui devient ensuite un lait dès qu’on y ajoute un peu d’eau. L’effet est saisissant, la peau est bien propre, bien hydratée et laissée sans aucun résidu huileux. Un must!
Les dentifrices LEBON ont ce je-ne-sais-quoi qui permet de voyager et de s’évader…les couleurs, les textures, les noms et les parfums y sont assurément pour quelque chose. Chose certaine, chaque brossage de dents devient une expérience en soi. On aime sans retenue!
Le soleil, le vent, les variations de température peuvent assécher la peau comme les lèvres. Un baume à lèvres est donc toujours un bon allié à avoir sous la main pour pallier à cette condition. Les huiles d’amande douce et d’abricot du baume à lèvres de Nuori travaillent ensemble avec les beurres d’avocat, de karité et de cacao à nourrir et adoucir les lèvres sèches et déshydratées. Les extraits de baies du Japon et de cire d’abeille conservent l’hydratation des lèvres et les protègent.
Rares (ou inexistantes) sont les fois où on a l’envie de réaliser un maquillage hyper sophistiqué lors de vacances à la mer. L’aspect fardé n’a pas sa place…on laisse plutôt la peau à l’état nu et on la sublime, en toute subtilité de fards crème qui lui confèreront un aspect lumineux, subtilement bronzé. Les fards multi-sticks de ILIA Beauty sont parmi nos préférés puisqu’ils nous permettent d’ajouter de la lumière aux joues, aux yeux et au lèvres pour passer de la plage à l’apéro en un rien de temps!
Gorgée de 22 actifs botaniques combinés à de puissantes huiles essentielles, cette huile sérum est reconnue pour transformer la peau. On la porte matin et soir. C’est d’ailleurs l’unique produit dont la peau a besoin…parfait pour voyager léger.
Le soleil, le sel de la mer et les lavages quotidiens peuvent assécher les cheveux. Si vos cheveux ont besoin d’hydratation, le duo de shampooing et après-shampooing ATLANTIS pourra leur redonner vie et brillance.
Ultra-concentré, ce nouveau soin démêlant sans rinçage en spray est une véritable cure d’hydratation: sa formule hydratante intense adoucit les cheveux, lisse les frisottis et protège de la casse les cheveux fragiles et déshydratés. De plus, grâce à l’action photoprotectrice de l’huile de morete, le spray démêlant bio Hydration Detangler crée une barrière anti-UV sur les cheveux et protège les cheveux colorés du soleil.
Impossible de partir où que ce soit sans protection solaire! On applique en guise de dernière étape à notre routine matinale et on réapplique au fil de la journée.
Les gammes “green” qui vous font du bien à vous…et à la terre!
Il fut un temps où faire des choix de beauté éco-responsables rimait avec sacrifier efficacité. Les innovations et les procédés des dernières années nous prouvent tout le contraire! Plus que jamais, les gammes de beauté “vertes”, naturelles, biologiques et éco-responsables ont le vent dans les voiles! Les produits sont si sains (que certains pourraient même êtres mangés!) et les résultas rendus sont prouvés. Focus sur nos gammes “vertes” favorites!
Créée à Vancouver et actuellement basée à Los Angeles, la gamme ILIA propose du maquillage naturel et bio. Les produits sont composés jusqu’à plus de 85% d’ingrédients bio, et contiennent des actifs naturels pour prendre soin de votre peau tout en l’embellissant. ILIA a développé une gamme complète incluant rouge à lèvres, fonds de teint, ombres à paupières et poudres de finition, qui offre un large choix de couleurs, des textures toujours des plus douces, aussi agréables à appliquer qu’à porter, ainsi qu’une tenue parfaite.
Le mot d’ordre de la gamme danoise NUORI? Fraîcheur. La gamme s’est d’ailleurs lancée comme défi de créer des produits ultra frais, 100% naturels, conçus à partir d’ingrédients actifs très purs, sans conservateurs et autres additifs tout en assurant des résultats optimaux. Afin de garantir cette fraîcheur promise, les produits NUORI sont fraîchement mélangés en petites quantités, à toutes les 10 à 12 semaines, directement au Danemark, et sont présentés dans des emballages ultra protecteurs.
Gorgées de vitamines, d’antioxydants d’acides aminés et d’acides gras essentiels, les formules sont conçues pour donner un éclat naturel à la peau tout en atténuant les signes associés au vieillissement cutané. À découvrir!
Non testés sur les animaux, vegans, sans paraben, sans sulfate, sans fluor, sans dioxyde de titanium… La liste peut être longue pour décrire les dentifrices de la marque française LEBON.
C’est en 2015 qu’un couple de Français décide de lancer une collection de pâtes à dents naturelles et aux goûts des plus originaux. Stéphanie est historienne de l’art. Richard est pharmacien. Ensembles, ils parviennent à créer des dentifrices aux packagings glamour, ultra léchés et des plus désirables, à la formule certifiée naturelle et éthique. Cette collection de dentifrices bio LEBON est un hommage à différents voyages aux arômes et aux parfums aussi doux que frais offerts par la nature, la mer, l’océan et la diversité des cultures.
Grâce à ses parfums délicats et raffinés, LEBON propose un voyage vers quelques-uns des plus beaux et chaleureux endroits au monde.
Saviez-vous qu’Etiket proposait les produits de Tata Harper depuis notre ouverture, en 2011? Depuis, notre clientèle a adopté les produits dont l’efficacité est visible dès les premières applications. Tata Harper réinvente la beauté bio avec des soins 100% naturels et des solutions 100% efficaces pour la peau. Ces produits offrent d’incroyables performances et sont très agréables à utiliser grâce à des fragrances envoûtantes qui aspirent à un sentiment de bien-être immédiat.
Tata Harper a été fondée sur l’idée essentielle que les femmes n’ont plus à sacrifier leur santé pour se sentir belles. Dans sa ferme de 500 hectares dans le Vermont, elle fabrique des soins bio haut de gamme, 100% naturels et non toxiques.
Rahua propose une gamme capillaire ultra luxueuse de shampoings bio et végans pour les cheveux secs, abîmés ou sans volume, cire coiffante, masque capillaire et autres soins bio vous permettant de retrouver une chevelure en pleine santé. L’huile de noix de Rahua, découverte en Amazonie, est utilisée par la population locale depuis des années pour traiter leurs cheveux et obtenir une magnifique chevelure brillante et soyeuse. Tous les produits de Rahua sont sans sulfates, gluten, parabène, fragrance synthétique, propylène glycol, silicone, et ne contiennent aucun autre ingrédient sujet à caution. C’est le coup de foudre dès le premier essai!
Le Sérum Active Botanical Vintner’s Daughter associe 22 actifs botaniques hautement performants pour offrir à votre peau un soin luxueux et efficace, qui agit aussi bien sur les rides et le vieillissement cutané que sur l’acné, la régénération cellulaire et l’éclat du teint.
Créé par la viticultrice April Gargiulo, le sérum Vintner’s Daughter se démarque par son processus de fabrication unique inspiré des grands vins. Une huile visage bio culte aux résultats visibles, qui fait l’unanimité auprès des journalistes beauté et célébrités du monde entier.
RMS Beauty est une gamme de maquillage bio made in New York qui offre plus de 30 produits – blush, enlumineurs, fards à paupière, rouges à lèvres, fards multi-usages – pour lesquels on craque littéralement. Les couleurs, subtiles, pures et intenses RMS Beauty à la formule innovante 100% bio s’allient à une tenue exceptionnelle. Leur composition est un petit trésor d’hydratation et d’action anti-âge. Ce n’est donc pas étonnant que RMS Beauty ait déjà conquis un public très exigeant de professionnels du maquillage et de personnalités tels que les mannequins Gisele Bündchen et Miranda Kerr, ou encore les make-up artists Christy Coleman et Vera Steimberg.
Agent Nateur est une entreprise qui s’engage à sélectionner les ingrédients sans OGM et non toxiques les plus purs et efficaces en Europe et auprès de petits fournisseurs aux États-Unis.
La fondatrice Jena Covello formule Agent Nateur à Grasse, à Paris et à Los Angeles. Tous les produits Agent Nateur sont sans cruauté. Après avoir acheté et testé presque tous les déodorants naturels sans aluminium disponibles, elle constata qu’aucun n’était efficace. Elle alla donc étudié les cosmétiques et parfums naturels dans le sud de la France et commença à travailler en privé avec son professeur et chimiste. La France a peu à peu commencé à s’éloigner des produits de beauté à base d’aluminium et du papier d’aluminium qui est utilisé en alimentation car il s’agit d’un perturbateur endocrinien qui affecte complètement les hormones chez les hommes et les femmes. S’appliquer du déodorant n’aura jamais été aussi glamour!
Pai Skincare est une marque de Cosmétique bio et végane dédiée aux peaux sensibles. À l’origine de Pai Skincare se trouve Sarah Brown (que nous avons eu la chance d’avoir dans nos espaces la semaine dernière), qui après avoir longtemps souffert d’allergies et de problèmes de peau décide, en 2009, de créer sa gamme de produits de beauté naturels, formulés sans aucun ingrédient toxique ou irritant. Cette marque londonienne séduit rapidement les journalistes beauté du monde entier et même des célébrités comme Nathalie Portman, avec ses soins aux compositions irréprochables et ultra clean, et à l’efficacité prouvée.
Les soins pour la peau Consonant Skincare sont des soins luxueux de qualité, aussi efficaces qu’une marque cosméceutique et aussi ‘’santé’’ que la marque de soins naturels la plus reconnue.
Tous les produits, entièrement fabriqués au Canada, sont naturels à 100% et contiennent la plus haute concentration possible d’ingrédients organiques botaniques. Ils améliorent l’aspect de votre peau avec des résultats immédiats. Votre peau apparaitra plus ferme, radieuse et jeune sans devoir recourir à des ingrédients synthétiques. Pas de parabène, de sulfate, de produits à base de pétrole et de phtalate. Les produits ne contiennent que des ingrédients ‘’santé’’, naturels et botaniques qui améliorent graduellement la santé de votre peau par un usage régulier et constant.
Lovefresh est une ligne de luxe torontoise de produits de beauté naturels fondée par Stacey Davis en partant de l’idée selon laquelle vous pouvez vous procurer des produits entièrement naturels, à la fois luxueux et sains pour le corps. Ce qui a commencé comme une simple « expérience de chimie » dans la cuisine de Stacey à Toronto a vite évolué vers la création d’une gamme complète de produits de soin pour le corps entièrement naturels, non toxiques et très efficaces, offrant ainsi une expérience de « luxe accessible ».
Huna Apothecary est une gamme canadienne en pleine expansion! La gamme a d’ailleurs récemment conclut un partenariat avec l’Université du Manitoba pour l’appuyer dans la recherche et la formulation de ses produits.
Véritable pionnière dans l’industrie des soins pour la peau naturels et biologiques, Huna Apothecary est la première gamme canadienne de soins de la peau à cultiver ses propres ingrédients, pour la plupart biologiques, et à concevoir des mélanges exclusifs.
Tous les produits de Huna Apothecary sont 100% naturels et formulés à partir d’ingrédients botaniques actifs dont les effets sont scientifiquement prouvés garantissant ainsi des résultats concrets. On craque pour la femme derrière la gamme et ses sublimes produits!
Bathorium est une jeune entreprise canadienne née en 2014 avec une mission bien définie: faire revivre l’art du bain et en faire un moment de détente pour le corps, l’âme et l’esprit, bercé par les effluves d’huiles essentielles et de beurres végétaux gourmands de la plus grande qualité dont ses produits sont composés. Ses produits vedettes? Les luxuriantes bombes pour le bain, les bains moussants et les poudres pour le bain aux fragrances toutes plus délicieuses (et thérapeutiques) les unes que les autres. Sans fragrance ajoutée, les produits de la gamme sont recommandés pour les peaux à tendance eczématique, sensibles ou déshydratées.
Abel est l’ultime intersection entre art, éthique et sciences naturelles. Abel est une gamme de parfums 100% naturels, spécialisée dans les créations olfactives pour hommes et femmes, élaborés à Amsterdam par la Néo-Zélandaise Frances Shoemack avec pour quête ultime de créer le meilleur parfum naturel au monde. Abel est bien sûr composée d’ingrédients 100 % naturels. Plutôt que de brouiller votre personnalité avec une intensité constante, la beauté de tous les ingrédients naturels est qu’ils évoluent sur votre peau, en travaillant avec la chimie naturelle de votre corps pour créer un parfum unique. Un parfum qui évoluera tout au long de la journée. Abel vit sur votre peau, jusqu’à ce qu’il s’estompe.
Chez Abel, on croit au pouvoir et à la beauté du parfum. À sa capacité à enrichir la vie quotidienne comme rien d’autre ne peut le faire. L’indulgence n’a pas besoin d’avoir un impact négatif sur la terre, ses habitants ou sur vous.
Inspired by the lush Galapagos Islands, the Enchanted Island™ Salt Spray captures the spirit of a beach jaunt and one of its many perks — perfectly tousled, wavy beach hair!
By incorporating natural pink sea salt for texture and the exotic scent cocktail of guayaba, hibiscus and passion fruit, locks are left with tropically perfumed, lustrous, defined waves.
The Rahua® Classic Shampoo is rich with the restorative qualities of rare Amazonian ingredients, sustainably sourced and specially formulated to revitalize your hair.
Gentle enough for all hair types, this shampoo leaves locks luminous and soft by imparting omega-9 packed rahua oil and other all-natural, plant-derived nutrients.
Naturally scented from the lightly fragrant oils of palo santo wood.
Whether styling with heat tools or air-drying, this supreme leave-in finishing treatment with our signature, symbiotic® rahua oil satisfies thirsty strands.
The heat from a blow dryer or styling tool activates the rahua oil making it even more potent as it calms frizz, tames stray hairs, elevates shine and restores hair to weightless softness.
Versatility and hold all in one.
This cream wax is made of the most coveted, plant-derived ingredients from the Amazon rainforest.
Excellent for sculpting short hair for additional height and definition or long hair to add control and manageability.
At last a colour-preserving hair mask formulated from 100% plant derived, Amazonian ingredients.
Infused with fragrant gardenia enfleurage, hibiscus extract and lavender essences, this rich, deep penetrating treatment is formulated to protect your colour investment by encapsulating each strand of hair with the power of rahua, morete and flaxseed oils.
This mask insures full spectrum colour retention and vibrancy for all shades of colour-treated or highlighted hair; with sparkling, long-lasting results.
Not enough time for your daily hair care routine?
We have your genie in a bottle. The Voluminous Dry Shampoo adds volume, cleanses and imparts grip for effortless styling all – without water! Thus proving, there is always time to look your best.
Cleanse, condition and create gorgeous, shiny, healthy hair, no matter where in the world your journey takes you.
The travel-friendly kit contains 2oz sizes of each: Rahua Classic Shampoo, Rahua Classic Conditioner, Rahua Voluminous Shampoo, Rahua Voluminous Conditioner
Packaged in a TSA-approved reusable beauty pouch, this is perfect for a world traveler.
Beauty oils have been used as far back as ancient Egypt. Even though there has been an “oil-free” trend in recent years, beauty oils are here to stay. They are nurturing to the skin and make a wonderful moisturizer. They are also full of antioxidants and may be used as a serum in your daily routine. Apply beauty oils on the face, to the body and to the hair and nails. Our selection comes from our favourite brands including Environ, Tata Harper, Pai Skincare, Huna, and Rahua. There are many benefits to oils, not only do they help to hydrate the skin, but they add sheen to the hair and skin as well as creating a natural protective barrier.
Here are our top ten choices of beauty oils:
1. Smooths Lines & Wrinkles Malin + Goetz: Recovery Treatment Oil This luxurious facial treatment combines nine natural oils to help protect skin from free radical damage and renew skin’s appearance. Evening primrose, argan and jojoba oils help to boost hydration, reinforce skin’s moisture barrier, and soften the appearance of lines and wrinkles. Grapeseed and rosehip oils deliver essential vitamins C and E to prevent free radical damage, improve elasticity, and restore a healthy complexion. Geranium and borage oils help to reduce inflammation and balance skin by normalizing oil production. When applied daily, skin feels softer, looks smoother and takes on a youthful radiance. 2. Keeps Your Skin Moisturized
Environ: Hydrating Oil Capsules Hydrating Oil Capsules provide a concentrated burst of hydration, antioxidants and retinol to skin in an easy absorbable, oil- based formula. Especially effective for dry and fragile skin. 3. Relieves Redness & Sensitivity
Pai SkinCare: Viper’s Gloss Age Confidence Echium & Amaranth Facial Oil Delivers a supercharged dose of vitamins, omegas and essential nutrients guaranteed to optimize skin health and restore your natural radiance.
98% organic, this silky blend combines ten powerful plant actives carefully selected to boost hydration and regeneration, and minimize inflammation and environmental stress.
The result is skin that is plumper, calmer, and wonderfully supple. Its natural ability to better retain moisture means skin stays smoother for longer. 4. Nourishes the Skin
RMS Beauty: Beauty Oil A beauty oil the way a beauty oil should be… pure, simple and organic. This potent formula is the perfect balance between skin and oil, providing the ultimate in radiance and antioxidant protection.
This lightweight yet highly concentrated multi-purpose beauty oil contains only the finest exotic oils and rare herbal extracts. Buriti oil has recently been found to filter and absorb cancer-causing UV rays from the sun. 5. Say Goodbye to Stretch MarksPai SkinCare: The Gemini Pomegranate & Pumpkin Seed Stretch Mark Dual-System Helps prevent and improve the visible effects of stretching on the skin. The innovative two-phase Oil & Cream system, combines both essential forms of nourishment to keep skin strong and supple. An expert combination of Vitamins E & C, plus Omegas 3,5,6,7 & 9 protect skin cell structure and enhance elasticity, helping skin to stretch and bounce back into shape without showing signs of damage. This full range of Essential Fatty Acids also stimulates skin cell regeneration, visibly diminishing the appearance of existing marks and skin blemishes. The rich and intensively conditioning oil absorbs readily into the skin without leaving greasy residues, while the buttery cream provides deep and long-lasting skin-softening replenishment. 6. Clears Blemishes & AcneHuna: Clear & Clarify Face Serum with hemp seed, pumpkin + green tea is ideal for oily and blemish prone skin. This lightweight and non-comedogenic face serum has been scientifically formulated with nature’s ideal balance of linolenic essential fatty acids which is ideal for healing blemishes, preventing breakouts, and re-balancing skin’s sebum (oil) production. Contains Huna’s proprietary in-house ‘Skin Nutrition’ complex for oily and blemish prone skin, containing some of their homegrown botanicals: Calendula, Nettle, Green tea and Licorice root. 7. Softens All-OverRahua: Legendary Amazon Oil:This ultra concentrated yet light oil will revive the skin and encourage a healthy, touchable glow. Ungurahua omega-9 revives the skin while Sacha inchi omega-3 lipids and antioxidants help reverse the appearance of aging, resulting in beautiful, healthy, glowing skin. Enriched with Buriti, an Amazonian oil containing vegan carotenoid pro-Vitamin A, this natural oil promotes a luminous tone for all skin types. 8. Repair & Shine
Kevin Murphy: SHIMMER.SHINE Revive shine and repair hair with this finishing mist. Treat your hair as it shines with Vitamins A, C and E, Baobab, Immortelle and Bamboo extracts. Light reflective technology from high-end skincare adds a brilliant shine to hair with no oily residue. SHIMMER.SHINE contains treatment ingredients that repair damaged hair driven by essential oils, bioflavonoids and vitamins. 9. Brightens Up Dullness Pai SkinCare: Rosehip BioRegenerate Oilis rich in concentrated Trans-Retinoic Acid, an essential fuel for the skin’s natural repair function. Rosehip is the ultimate skin multi-tasker. With regular use, it conditions the skin, improving skin firmness and elasticity. 10. Feel the Glow Tata Harper: Replenishing Nutrient Complex This lightweight facial oil serum improves the skin’s natural glow, texture and hydration. A weightless blend of biocompatible micronutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals provides your daily dose of environmental protection while delivering visibly balanced, healthy skin. Helps relieve and stabilize vulnerable, irritated and chapped skin for a radiant complexion.
The award winning Voluminous Shampoo and Conditioner from Rahua are the perfect duo to create lustrous, abundant silky hair, full of body and bounce with the calming and relaxing aroma of lavender and eucalyptus.
VOLUMINOUS SHAMPOO: Create volume and hair envy with the award winning Voluminous Shampoo. Formulated with the most exclusive plant derived ingredients extracted from the Amazon rainforest. Increase hair’s body and bounce. This formula is essential for oily hair and scalp, and works to balance, clarify and thoroughly cleanse. Extend time between hair washes. Calm and relax the senses with the fresh aroma of lavender and eucalyptus.
Safe for color-treated hair.
VOLUMINOUS CONDITIONER: A nourishing complement to the Voluminous Shampoo to soften and enhance strands. For even more hair envy this lightweight Voluminous Conditioner replenishes as it gently hydrates. Enjoy lustrous, abundant silky hair, full of body and bounce. Calm and relax the senses with the fresh aroma of lavender and eucalyptus.
Safe for color-treated hair.
What is Rahua?
For centuries in the Amazon, women from the Quechua-Shuar tribes traveled deep into the Amazon rainforest to follow a beauty ritual and prepare a highly potent, restorative oil they call Rahua (ra-wa) – believing it to be the secret to their thick, flowing and lustrously shiny hair.
In the 1990’s these women shared Rahua’s power with renowned New York stylist and colorist Fabian Lliguin, a native Ecuadorian of Quechua descent. Intrigued, Lliguin studied Rahua’s revitalizing effects on his own clients’ hair. Dry, damaged strands sprang to life with renewed, bouncy elasticity. Hair colour remained vibrantly true and shiny. Long hair became super healthy and irritated scalps were calmed under Rahua’s soothing care.
Based in New York City, Lliguin and his wife Anna Ayers founded Amazon Beauty and Rahua its premier hair care brand.
The key to Rahua’s outstanding performance is its molecular structure. Unlike other botanical oils that simply coat strands, the extraordinarily small Rahua oil molecule deeply penetrates the hair’s cortex – bonding and repairing it – while simultaneously smoothing the hair’s cuticle. Today, Amazon Beauty features Rahua as the star ingredient in the Rahua hair care collection and Ungurahua, Sacha inchi, and Buriti oils as the miracle Amazonian ingredients for the body care collection. These oils are sourced and processed by these women and men in accordance with the traditional methods and rituals that have been passed down for generations.
Amazon Beauty, and the Rahua brand are passionately committed to creating the most clean and efficacious 100% natural formulas on the market – all of which are vegan, organic, sulfate free, paraben free, gluten free and cruelty free. They are dedicated to the preservation of the Amazon rainforest and the indigenous people that live there, and owe the native people a boundless debt for keeping the Amazon, its flora and its fauna in great health for thousands of years.
Lliguin and Ayers continue the humanitarian work that brought Lliguin the jungle many years ago, educating the indigenous people on successful trade practices. Intellectual property rights and other human rights issues.
When you have damaged or over treated hair, at some point you are going to have to do something about it to help bring it back to health. Dying and treating your hair with different chemicals will eventually have its effect. There are many solutions available – daily conditioners and overnight treatments – and we look to Kevin Murphy and Malin + Goetz for everyday damage, but when you want to truly treat your hair, we suggest the Elixir from Rahua.
Utterly pure and remarkably rich. Rahua’s Classic Elixir is the magnum opus natural solution to strengthen and nourish every strand with their breakthrough 100% Symbiotic® rainforest grown formula that is entirely plant derived, hand made and obtained using ancient traditional Amazonian ceremonial methods. This potent hair treatment repairs over processed, dry and porous hair. Plumps up hair, adds exceptional shine, and health. Featuring the sophisticated and earthy aroma of palo santo holy wood.
Rahua Elixir offers a 100% plant derived solution to your toughest hair-care challenges. Rainforest grown in the heart of the Amazon jungle, this exceptionally rich and pure formula delivers longer, stronger, healthier hair and scalp. One to three drops applied each day will transform hair from dull and lifeless to strong, healthy, and lustrous.
Star Ingredients
RAHUA-UNGURAHUA – fortifies weak, damaged strands while nourishing and regenerating the scalp and hair follicles.
PALO SANTO – holy wood, precious to Amazonian shamans, is Rahua’s signature scent, offering a sophisticated, earthy aroma; while providing a soothing aromatherapy experience.
Whether you plan to fly south, hit the ski slopes or stay in town, these are the must-have beauty essentials for your spring break vacation! From sunscreen to dry shampoo, we’ve rounded up our favourite skin care, makeup and hair styling products for on-the-go beauty!
Planning on spending every day on the slopes or relaxing on the beach? Sun protection is key! We love this weightless, 100% physical sunscreen from SkinCeuticals. Its tinted formula evens out all skin tones, while protecting against harmful
UVA and UVB rays.
Moisturizing cream extraordinaire! Whether you are suffering from dryness and irritation due to wind and cold weather exposure, dehydration from air travel, or too much sun, this special moisturizing cream from Environ will quickly soothe and relieve dry skin conditions.
Always on the go? Traveling from one destination to the next? Then Dry Shampoo is your best beauty ally! This 100% natural Voluminous Dry Shampoo from Rahua adds volume, cleans and styles hair – all without water!
We love double duty makeup! Perfect for traveling light and when on-the-go… These Lip2Cheek pots from RMS Beauty contain a unique formula that combines hydration and protection with gorgeous mineral colour for a beautiful, natural finish on both lips and cheeks!
No matter where you are, a spritz of your favourite fragrance will keep you grounded. This 4ml travel atomizer from Penhaligon’s is an essential perfume accessory, making it possible to take your perfume with you, wherever you go.
Hair loss solutions have always been a focus at Etiket. When Infusiderm, the company that made shampoo, conditioner and a treatment serum for hair loss closed, we took our time finding the right replacement. With the help of our medical director, we found Revivogen – a natural and effective hair loss solution for men and women.
It’s estimated that up to 30 percent of men will experience some loss of hair by the age of thirty, and that number goes up to 50 percent by the age of 50. So about half of all men will experience hair loss by mid-age. The cause of male pattern baldness is due to DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), a male sex hormone produced in the adrenal glands that can affect the hair follicles. Men with higher levels of DHT can experience a weakening of their hair follicles, a softening that can lead to less hair and/or finer hair. There are many ‘cures’ for men on the market and most can be found at your local drugstore in the form of topical solutions. These products include hair washes that can help to strengthen the hair follicle, leave-in-treatments, serums, or mousses which can be rubbed into the scalp and hair to help improve the thickness of existing hair.
Other than topical treatments, there are some prescription drugs that can help. Surgical solutions in the form of hair implants are other options to consider. Overall, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, exercising, and eating well may all contribute to hair loss prevention. For example, Biotin is a popular supplement used to help strengthen hair follicles.
Women lose their hair somewhat differently. Instead of a receding hairline or bald spot at the crown, most women see a widening of their part and/or overall thinning. Roughly 95 percent of thinning in women is due to female pattern hair loss, but there are other, causes as well. Elevated DHT levels for a woman with already existing genetic hair loss leads to the production of thin, short, colourless hair before the follicles eventually permanently stop producing any hair and dies off. The female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, normally shield the follicles from the effects of DHT, however, menopause can cause a decline in the levels of these hormones and lead to higher DHT levels and hair loss. Alopecia areata presents as patchy hair loss on the scalp or anywhere else on the body. As the hair falls out, smooth, round patches the size of a coin or larger become visible. This type of loss occurs in children and adults, and is caused by the immune system attacking the hair follicles. Alopecia areata can start and stop suddenly. Telogen effluvium Caused by anemia, low iron, inadequate protein, thyroid disease, surgery or illness, telogen effluvium presents as massive hair shedding over the entire scalp. Among the first symptoms of telogen effluvium is losing large amounts of hair in one’s hairbrush, in the shower or on the pillow. Once the root cause is identified and treated, this type of hair loss with propecia generally reverses in six to twelve months without the need for further treatment. Traction alopecia is a type of hair loss resulting from excessive strain on the hair follicles and is most commonly caused by braiding or the use of hair extensions. Regular pulling of the hair permanently damages the follicles and prevents it from regrowing.
Whether you are a man or woman suffering from pattern hair loss, you have many treatment options available to help prevent total baldness. Take steps now, to prevent further hair loss with the most potent and effective natural solutions – Revivogen MD (men) and Revivogen Pro (women). Developed by board-certified dermatologists, Revivogen has since been recognized as a powerful solution for hair loss by medical experts.